Artist Title Cards

Creating artist title cards for an exhibition involves designing informative and visually appealing cards that provide relevant information about the artist and their work. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create effective artist title cards:

1. Gather Information

Artist Information - Collect relevant details about the artist, such as their name, background, artistic statement, and other key biographical information.

Artwork Details - Obtain details about the artworks on display, including titles, medium, dimensions, and a brief description or artist statement for each piece.

2. Design Software

Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or Canva are great software options to create title cards. Choose a size that fits well with your exhibition space.

3. Layout Design

Consistent Style - Maintain a consistent visual style and size throughout the title cards to create a cohesive look for the exhibition.

Font Choice - Choose readable fonts. Use one or two typefaces, and be mindful of font sizes for titles, subtitles, and body text.

Colour Scheme - Align the colour scheme with the exhibition's overall theme or the artist's style. Ensure good contrast for readability.

4. Title Card Elements

Artist Name - Place the artist's name at the top of the card.

Artwork Details - Include the title of each artwork, the medium used, dimensions, and any relevant details.

Artist Statement - Consider adding a brief artist statement or description of the overall theme or inspiration behind the exhibition.

If applicable, include a QR code that links to the artist's website or social media for additional information.

5. Print Considerations

Paper Quality - Choose quality paper or use a professional printer to complete the job.

Size - Ensure the size of the title cards is appropriate for easy reading without overwhelming the exhibition space.

6. Proofreading

Carefully proofread all text for accuracy and clarity. It is always a good idea to submit to the artist for approval before printing.

7. Placement

Strategically place the title cards near each artwork, ensuring they are easily visible and accessible to viewers. I prefer to place each title card on the bottom left side of each work.

Remember to tailor these steps to fit the unique style and requirements of the exhibition and the artist's work. Regularly communicate with the artist to ensure the information is accurate and aligns with their vision for the exhibition.


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