Arts Industry Mentoring

We help you advance your career by providing guidance on practice development, marketing strategies, effective networking, and career progression planning.


Our sessions provide advice and support to arts workers, artists, and arts businesses.

These consultations are unique to each client and may include help surrounding your career progression, art sales, job applications, industry networking, arts branding, and much more.

Together, we will discuss how you can improve your practice and feel confident in accomplishing your goals.

Our Session

In our one-hour consultation, we’ll start with a friendly chat, diving into a series of questions designed to identify both your short and long-term goals, as well as tackle any hurdles you’re facing in your arts practice or career.

Next, we’ll take a closer look at your portfolio, industry experience, your online presence, and the network you’ve built so far. This helps us understand where you stand and what steps are best to take moving forward.

After our session, you'll receive a personalised Action Plan, packed with actionable steps, feedback for improvement on specific areas discussed, valuable network contacts, and helpful resources.

Common Focus Areas

  • Assisting in compiling or updating digital portfolios to showcase practice, network with new clients, and draw in new opportunities.

  • Social media strategies, content creation, and online presence reviews of exisiting platforms.

  • Perusing new networking opportunities based on your industry and goals.

  • Reviewing and assisting with CV’s, LinkedIn profiles, industry opportunities, and cover letters.

  • Reviewing and updating artist statements, bios, exhibitions proposals, and project plans.

Consultation Fee

$220 +gst

60 Minute Consultation (Online or In-Person)

Follow Up Notes + Resources

Review of Materials (CV, Applications, Social Media, Website etc.)

Client Testimonials